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Coronavirus Update

Liverpool County FA provides guidance and advice to our member clubs and leagues.

Following the UK Chief Medical Officer’s decision to raise the Coronavirus risk from low to moderate, and the publishing today by the government of their response to this, we want to provide the following guidance and advice to our member clubs and leagues.

We have been following daily both NHS and Public Health England guidance regarding Coronavirus and would recommend that our members do the same. The links to the latest updates and advice to the British public is copied at the links below:

NHS Guidance

Public Health England guidance 

Each of our member clubs and leagues should tailor their response to this guidance as they see fit. Circumstances are unique to the individual club / league, and you will note that the guidance varies depending upon whether anyone is actively displaying symptoms, has travelled back from an infected area or is generally concerned about the increase of cases in the UK.

We would recommend clubs / leagues proceed with their fixtures as normal; however we are taking the precaution at our upcoming County Cup Finals to instruct players and officials not to shake hands before and after the game, and to wash their hands with soap and water (or hand sanitiser if soap isn’t available) as often as possible. This guidance is as a temporary precaution only, until further notice.

Anyone concerned that they may have symptoms, however mild, should contact 111 in the first instance, as NHS 111 has an online coronavirus service.