Young players in action.

County FA To Host Introduction to Excellence in Safeguarding Event

Liverpool County Football Association is to host an Introduction to Excellence in Safeguarding event for all grassroots club Welfare Officers at Walton Hall Park on Thursday 6 September, commencing at 6.30pm.

Teaming up with SAVE (Safeguarding and Victim Engagement) and i7 Solutions, the SAVE Excellence in Safeguarding Standard aims to achieve maximum benefit and protection for young people, parents, carers, vulnerable adults, coaches, volunteers, clubs and their committee members.

The evening will afford Club Welfare Officers the opportunity to meet and network with former professional footballers and SAVE ambassadors Paul Stewart and David White, in order to explore the possibility of enhancing club status and standing with regards to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults engaged with that club.

Demand is expected to be high for this inaugural event and places are limited, so to secure your place for the evening, please email Gordon Johnson, Designated Safeguarding Officer at Liverpool County FA, via 

For more about the Excellence in Safeguarding Standard, please CLICK HERE

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