Kit Aid

Prescot Rangers Kit Worn In Somaliland

Last week, Liverpool County FA Football Development Officer, Stu Carrington, received the above image which immediately showcases the impact made through our grassroots clubs’ kind donations.

Stu, who established and co-ordinates Liverpool FA’s relationship with charity KitAid, received the image from the charity which was taken in Somaliland, showing young footballers wearing kit kindly donated by Prescot Rangers last year.

A KitAid spokesperson said: “Thanks to Liverpool County FA for their continued commitment to KitAid. In the past two years, they have not only promoted our charity to clubs across Merseyside, but acted as a drop-off and collection point for kit donations. They have also allowed us use of their HQ as an emergency venue for boxing-up sessions.”

Stuart Carrington, Football Development Officer at Liverpool FA, added: “On behalf of Liverpool FA, we are more than happy to help KitAid and, as I expected, the Merseyside football community have been so generous in their donations. It’s fantastic to see a football team in Somaliland wearing one of our club’s kits. We take donations throughout the year, so please keep them coming.”

Liverpool County FA’s headquarters at Walton Hall Park is a collection point for KitAid, so should any clubs, schools, organisations or individuals have any unwanted football kits and equipment – please head down and make a donation.

Everybody at Liverpool FA would like to thank those that donated old or un-used football kit to KitAid.

For more information on KitAid, please visit

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