Update - Discipline FAQs Following Conclusion of 2019-20 Season
Following The FA’s decision to conclude the 2019-20 non-league, women’s and grassroots football seasons, Liverpool County FA has received a number of enquiries from leagues and clubs regarding various issues – notably discipline.
Since the announcement, Liverpool County FA has sought guidance and advice from The FA and is now in a position to provide answers to some of the questions posed, which can be found below.
Q: Will County FAs be refunding monies for discipline cases during the season?
A: No. The sanctions imposed are as a result of misconduct committed and are not dependent on the completion of a season. This would be a similar scenario to matches abandoned where the game has not completed but the sanctions remain.
Q: Will outstanding suspensions be waived?
A: As per the regulations any suspension outstanding following the last competitive fixture will be served at the commencement of the next season. On that basis any suspension that remains outstanding will be served at the commencement once competitive football recommences.
Q: WGS is still producing fines that roll over automatically, do these need to be altered/turned off?
A: Arrangements are in place for WGS to prevent any further late fines or club/team suspensions being imposed as a result of non-payment. This is being taken to reflect the pressures of the volunteer workforce within clubs that will clearly have other priorities at this time. IT will look to put this in place as soon as possible.
Q: Will teams be penalised for having excessive discipline points at the end of the season (e.g. now or will they be removed)?
A: With the lack of games being played it is unlikely that any team will be surpassing the threshold from now. For those that have, this falls into the category of sanctions committed referred to above.
Q: What is the position on hearing current misconduct cases?
A: Guidance has previously been issued to counties and no personal hearings are to be held at this stage in line with Government guidance. County FAs are to ask clubs if they want to proceed on papers or they can then be held by Video Conference/WebEx/Teams. If the participants want a personal hearing, then they will be heard when restrictions are relaxed.
Q: Should league appeals relating to this season still be heard?
A: Yes, by Video Conference/WebEx/Teams where possible and on papers only.
Should any leagues or clubs have further questions, please email Steve Swinnerton, Football Services Manager at Liverpool County FA, via steven.swinnerton@liverpoolfa.com