DBS Integrated Onto Whole Game System
In 2019, The FA integrated Disclosure Barring Service checks (formerly known as Criminal Records Checks) onto Whole Game System.
The integration will now see the DBS accreditations be completed quickly and efficiently and is available for clubs to use for the forthcoming 2021/22 season.
All clubs who need to support their coaches, committee members, volunteers etc. in completing or renewing their DBSs are now required to do so by registering and completing the process via the Whole Game System, with their respective Club Welfare Officers verifying their documents.
We are now asking ALL clubs and their Club Welfare Officers (if you’re not already doing so) to begin preparing to use this process and to activate the system for your club.
Below is a simple, step by step process on what you need to do:
- Club to access Whole Game System (WGS)
- When you are logged onto WGS you will have a number of tabs down the left-hand side
- Select the ‘Safeguarding’ tab and it will offer a further tab on the top called ‘DBS Applications’
- You then need to enter your organisation PIN (the same one that they use on the existing GBG page). If you don’t yet have an organisation PIN please see below on how to get one
- Once the PIN has been entered, select the tab ‘add applicant’. This allows you to find the person that you want to add for a DBS application
- Club Welfare Officer needs the applicant name, date of birth and postcode
Please note that problems will occur if the applicant has multiple FAN numbers. If this is the case, please contact Liverpool FA so we can merge FANs, before you progess with the verification.
- Once the applicant has been found they need selecting
- This then opens up the application for them to apply on their personal FAN (An applicant cannot apply for a DBS without their Club Welfare Officer or verifier doing this)
If clubs do not have their own unique PIN number, therefore allowing you to verify your own club’s DBSs, please complete the form below and return to FAChecks@TheFA.com
DBS Club Online Registration Form
Should your club have any issues in completing the process above, please do not hesitate to contact our Safeguarding Team on safeguarding@liverpoolfa.com