Vacancy - Coach Mentor (Women and Girls)
The FA Is looking to appoint a FA Casual Coach Mentor to support with the development of female coaches within Liverpool.
As a FA Coach mentor you would be working on a part-time basis.
The aim of the mentoring is to:
- Offer bespoke one-on-one support for coaches
- Mentor and support coaches
- Observe, provide feedback and create individual action plans for coaches
- Develop and deliver a programme of support for coaches across the four corners
- Support coach development, ensuring coaches become more transformational in their approach
- Support and develop reflection skills
The mentoring programme will meet the needs of coaches at a local level and we are seeking applications from prospective mentors with the right credentials, knowledge, skills, attributes, and time to provide opportunities for coaches.
For more information and to apply, click the button below.
For any questions, please email
Applications close on Thursday 16th March 2023.