equal game

Equal Game workshop scheduled for November

Get advice on starting or growing female football provision at your club.

Are you looking to start or grow your female provision within your club? 

Come to our Equal Game Workshop on Thursday 16th November (6:30pm) at LCFA Sefton.

The points under discussion will be:

  • Identify existing provision for women and girls football opportunities within your club and your future vision.
  • Understand the importance of Club Identity and Governance for the provision of an equal game.
  • Understand effective marketing strategies in support of your provision for an equal game.
  • Create and maintain a sustainable football provision in support of an equal game.
  • You will be given the opportunity to work with our Equal Game Ambassador, who can look to offer 1 to 1 with your club to provide support. 
  • Build your clubs accreditation by offering all pathways within your club.


For more information on Equal Game, see the England Football brochure here.