inclusion hub

The Inclusive Hub gets support from Football Foundation

The Inclusive Hub has successfully applied for a grant to install a lift at their facility.

We are delighted to bring you news of The Inclusive Hub and their success through the Football Foundations Small Grants scheme with their passenger lift.

Liam Starkey, Director of The Inclusive Hub said: "Our participants are differently abled with some being wheelchair users, have learning disabilities or life threatening illnesses. Our new lift now opens the door to allow them and other groups, to benefit from different session types including physical, mental and learning activities.

"The numbers of participants that access the Inclusive Hub has risen dramatically since the installation, this is due to the new lift allowing us to offer more activities and sessions to run at the same time.

"This successful funding has, and will, change many lives for the better. Thank you Liverpool FA and the Football Foundation"

Can you benefit from the Small Grants? Get in touch with our Facilities and Investment Manager on for support.